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Leagate Inn Coningsby

After decades of travelling in Lincolnshire, especially to the attractive areas to the east on the route to the coast, we are always looking for new ideas and destinations for visitors. The Leagate Inn near Coningsby (home to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight) is certainly worth including in your itinerary and is also on a convenient beach route. One of the oldest licensed pubs in the county, The Leagate dates back to 1542. It has a charming atmosphere; real food, real ale and a real fire. It was built right on the edge of the marshes before the 17th century drainage. There you could pick up a guide to navigate your way through what was dangerous terrain at the time. We shall be including it in our annually revised visitor information book that we place in both the properties.


Published by charles at January 03, 2022, 14:21 pm

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