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Bluebells in Nocton Woods

About twenty minutes away from Hilltop Farm are the Nocton Woods on the edge of the fen; a great place to go for a walk. The area is part of the Dyson Estates in Lincolnshire but there is plenty of public access and it is particularly good for wildlife. You will have wide vistas of the Fen in a panoramic view below you and stretching out to the Lincolnshire Wolds on the horizon. At this time of the year the woods are full of bluebells, wild garlic, Stitchwort and the whole array of spring flowers, which are now at their best before the woodland shade starts to dominate. The oaks are just starting to break into leaf now so the luxuriant bright green shows at its best. After taking a circular route of some three miles you can then head off down the fen to the isolated White Horse pub on the edge of the River Witham. The chain bridge which used to link it to the pub on the opposite side of the river has not operated for years but there is a fascinating history of the start of the potato crisps industry in this location, based on the excellent potato growing quality of the soil. For a May visit to enjoy this at its best contact us.


Published by charles at May 07, 2024, 10:20 am

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